以下に GetScreenRect メソッドの使用例を示します。

// ECLPS::GetScreenRect
// Get rectangular parts of the host screen.
void Sample66() {
ECLPS PS('A');         // PS object for connection A
char Buff[4000];       // Big buffer
// Get first 2 lines of the screen text
PS.GetScreenRect(Buff, sizeof(Buff), 1, 1, 2, 80);
// Get last 2 lines of the screen
PS.GetScreenRect(Buff, sizeof(Buff),
// Get just a part of the screen (VM main menu calendar)
PS.GetScreenRect(Buff, sizeof(Buff),
                 5,  51,
                 13, 76);
// Same as previous (specify any 2 oposite corners of the rectangle)
PS.GetScreenRect(Buff, sizeof(Buff),
                 13, 51,
                 5,  76);
// Note results are placed in buffer end-to-end with no line delimiters
printf("Contents of rectangular screen area:\n%s\n", Buff);
} // end sample