ECLPS Methods

The following section describes the methods available for ECLPS.
ECLPS(char ConnName)
ECLPS(char ConnName)
ECLPS(long ConnHandle)
int GetPCCodePage()
int GetHostCodePage()
int GetOSCodePage()
void GetSize(ULONG *Rows, ULONG *Cols) ULONG GetSize()
ULONG GetSizeCols() ULONG GetSizeRows()
void GetCursorPos(ULONG *Row, ULONG *Col) ULONG GetCursorPos()
ULONG GetCursorPosRow()
ULONG GetCursorPosCol()
void SetCursorPos(ULONG pos),
void SetCursorPos(ULONG Row, ULONG Col)
void SendKeys(Char *text, ULONG AtPos),
void SendKeys(Char * text),
void SendKeys(Char *text, ULONG AtRow, ULONG AtCol)
ULONG SearchText(const char * const text, PS_DIR Dir=SrchForward,

      BOOL FoldCase=FALSE)

ULONG SearchText(const char * const text,
ULONG StartPos, PS_DIR Dir=SrchForward, BOOL FoldCase=FALSE)
ULONG SearchText(const char char * const text, ULONG StartRow,

       ULONG StartCol, PS_DIR Dir=SrchForward, BOOL FoldCase=FALSE)

ULONG GetScreen(char * Buff, ULONG BuffLen, PS_PLANE Plane=TextPlane)
ULONG GetScreen(char * Buff, ULONG BuffLen, ULONG StartPos,

       ULONG Length, PS_PLANE Plane=TextPlane)

ULONG GetScreen(char * Buff, ULONG BuffLen, ULONG StartRow,

       ULONG StartCol, ULONG Length, PS_PLANE Plane=TextPlane)

ULONG GetScreenRect(char * Buff, ULONG BuffLen, ULONG StartPos,

       ULONG EndPos, PS_PLANE Plane=TextPlane)  

ULONG StartCol, ULONG EndRow, ULONG EndCol,
ULONG GetScreenRect(char * Buff, ULONG BuffLen, ULONG StartRow,

       ULONG StartCol, ULONG EndRow, ULONG EndCol,

       PS_PLANE Plane=TextPlane)

void SetText(char *text);
void SetText(char *text, ULONG AtPos);
void SetText(char *text, ULONG AtRow, ULONG AtCol);
void CopyText ();
void CopyText (ULONG Long Len);
void CopyText (ULONG AtPos, ULONG Long Len);
void CopyText (ULONG AtRow, ULONG AtCol, ULONG Long Len );
void PasteText ();
void PasteText (ULONG Long Len);
void PasteText (ULONG AtPos, ULONG Long Len);
void PasteText (ULONG AtRow, ULONG AtCol, ULONG Long Len );
void ConvertPosToRowCol(ULONG pos, ULONG *row, ULONG *col)
ULONG ConvertRowColToPos(ULONG row, ULONG col)
ULONG ConvertPosToRow(ULONG Pos)
ULONG ConvertPosToCol(ULONG Pos)
void RegisterKeyEvent(ECLKeyNotify *NotifyObject)
virtual UnregisterKeyEvent(ECLKeyNotify *NotifyObject )
ECLFieldList *GetFieldList()
BOOL WaitForCursor(int Row, int Col, long nTimeOut=INFINITE,

       BOOL bWaitForIR=TRUE)

BOOL WaitWhileCursor(int Row, int Col, long nTimeOut=INFINITE,

       BOOL bWaitForIR=TRUE)

BOOL WaitForString(char* WaitString, int Row=0, int Col=0,

       long nTimeOut=INFINITE, BOOL bWaitForIR=TRUE, BOOL bCaseSens=TRUE)

BOOL WaitWhileString(char* WaitString, int Row=0, int Col=0,

       long nTimeOut=INFINITE, BOOL bWaitForIR=TRUE, BOOL bCaseSens=TRUE)

BOOL WaitForStringInRect(char* WaitString, int sRow, int sCol,

       int eRow,int eCol, long nTimeOut=INFINITE,

       BOOL bWaitForIR=TRUE, BOOL bCaseSens=TRUE)

BOOL WaitWhileStringInRect(char* WaitString, int sRow, int sCol,

       int eRow,int eCol, long nTimeOut=INFINITE, BOOL bWaitForIR=TRUE,

       BOOL bCaseSens=TRUE)

BOOL WaitForAttrib(int Row, int Col, unsigned char AttribDatum,

       unsigned char MskDatum = 0xFF, PS_PLANE plane = FieldPlane,

       long TimeOut = INFINITE, BOOL bWaitForIR = TRUE)

BOOL WaitWhileAttrib(int Row, int Col, unsigned char AttribDatum,

       unsigned char MskDatum = 0xFF, PS_PLANE plane = FieldPlane,

       long TimeOut = INFINITE, BOOL bWaitForIR = TRUE)

BOOL WaitForScreen(ECLScreenDesc* screenDesc, long TimeOut = INFINITE)
BOOL WaitWhileScreen(ECLScreenDesc* screenDesc, long TimeOut = INFINITE)
void RegisterPSEvent(ECLPSNotify * notify)
void RegisterPSEvent(ECLPSListener * listener)
void RegisterPSEvent(ECLPSListener * listener, int type)
void StartMacro(String MacroName)
void UnregisterPSEvent(ECLPSNotify * notify)
void UnregisterPSEvent(ECLPSListener * listener)
void UnregisterPSEvent(ECLPSListener * listener, int type)
The following methods are available for ECLPS :

void SendKeys(WCHAR * text),
void SendKeys(WCHAR *text, ULONG AtPos),
void SendKeys(WCHAR *text, ULONG AtRow, ULONG AtCol)
ULONG SearchText(const WCHAR * const text, PS_DIR Dir=SrchForward,
       BOOL FoldCase=FALSE)
ULONG SearchText(const WCHAR * const text,
       ULONG StartPos, PS_DIR Dir=SrchForward, BOOL FoldCase=FALSE)
ULONG SearchText(const WCHAR * const text, ULONG StartRow,
       ULONG StartCol, PS_DIR Dir=SrchForward, BOOL FoldCase=FALSE)
ULONG GetScreen(WCHAR * Buff, ULONG BuffLen, PS_PLANE Plane=TextPlane)
ULONG GetScreen(WCHAR * Buff, ULONG BuffLen, ULONG StartPos,
       ULONG Length, PS_PLANE Plane=TextPlane)
ULONG GetScreen(WCHAR * Buff, ULONG BuffLen, ULONG StartRow,
       ULONG StartCol, ULONG Length, PS_PLANE Plane=TextPlane)