

Option Explicit
Private WithEvents mSess As autECLSession   'AutSess added as reference

sub main()
   'Create Objects
   Set mSess = New autECLSession
   mSess.SetConnectionByName "A"
    mSess.RegisterCommEvent          'register for communication link notifications
   ' Display your form or whatever here  (this should be a blocking call, otherwise sub just ends
   call DisplayGUI()
   set mSess = Nothing
End Sub

'This sub will get called when the Communication Link Status of the registered
'connection changes
Private Sub mSess_NotifyCommEvent()
    ' do your processing here      
End Sub

'This event occurs if an error happens in Communications Link event processing 
Private Sub mSess_NotifyCommError()
   'Do any error processing here
End Sub

'This event occurs when Communications Status Notification ends
Private Sub mSess_NotifyCommStop()
   'Do any stop processing here
End Sub