
以下は、PS イベントの実装方法についての簡単な例です。

Option Explicit
Private WithEvents mPS As autECLPS 'AutPS added as reference
Private WithEvents Mkey as autECLPS
sub main()
'Create Objects
Set mPS = New autECLPS
Set mkey = New autECLPS
mPS.SetConnectionByName "A" 'Monitor Session A for PS Updates
mPS.SetConnectionByName "B" 'Intercept Keystrokes intended for Session B
mPS.RegisterPSEvent 'register for PS Updates
mPS.RegisterCommEvent ' register for Communications Link updates for session A
mkey.RegisterKeyEvent 'register for Key stroke intercept
' Display your form or whatever here  (this should be a blocking call, otherwise sub just ends
call DisplayGUI()
set mPS = Nothing
set mKey = Nothing
End Sub
'This sub will get called when the PS of the Session registered
'above changes
Private Sub mPS_NotifyPSEvent()
' do your processing here 
End Sub
'This sub will get called when Keystrokes are entered into Session B
Private Sub mkey_NotifyKeyEvent(string KeyType, string KeyString, PassItOn as Boolean)
' do your keystroke filtering here
If (KeyType = "M") Then
'handle mnemonics here
if (KeyString = "[PF1]" then 'intercept PF1 and send PF2 instead
mkey.SendKeys "[PF2]"
set PassItOn = false
end if
end if
End Sub
'This event occurs if an error happens in PS event processing 
Private Sub mPS_NotifyPSError()
'Do any error processing here
End Sub
'This event occurs when PS Event handling ends
Private Sub mPS_NotifyPSStop(Reason As Long)
'Do any stop processing here
End Sub
'This event occurs if an error happens in Keystroke processing
Private Sub mkey_NotifyKeyError()
'Do any error processing here
End Sub
'This event occurs when key stroke event handling ends
Private Sub mkey_NotifyKeyStop(Reason As Long)
'Do any stop processing here
End Sub
'This sub will get called when the Communication Link Status of the registered
'connection changes
Private Sub mPS_NotifyCommEvent()
' do your processing here 
End Sub
'This event occurs if an error happens in Communications Link event processing 
Private Sub mPS_NotifyCommError()
'Do any error processing here
End Sub
'This event occurs when Communications Status Notification ends
Private Sub mPS_NotifyCommStop()
'Do any stop processing here
End Sub