
The following is an example of using the GetScreen method.

// ECLPS::GetScreen
// Get text and other planes of data from the presentation space.
void Sample64() {
ECLPS PS('A');            // PS object
char  *Text;              // Text plane data
char  *Field;             // Field plane data
ULONG Len;                // Size of PS
Len = PS.GetSize();
// Note text buffer needs extra byte for null terminator
Text  = new char[Len + 1];
Field = new char[Len];
PS.GetScreen(Text, Len+1);                // Get entire screen (text)
PS.GetScreen(Field, Len, FieldPlane);     // Get entire field plane
PS.GetScreen(Text, Len+1, 1, 1, 80);      // Get line 1 of text
printf("Line 1 of the screen is:\n%s\n", Text);
delete []Text;
delete []Field;
} // end sample