ECLField Methods

The following section describes the methods that are valid for the ECLField class.

ULONG GetStart()
void GetStart(ULONG *RowULONG *Col)
ULONG GetStartRow()
ULONG GetStartCol()
ULONG GetEnd()
void GetEnd(ULONG *RowULONG *Col)
ULONG GetEndRow()
ULONG GetEndCol()
ULONG GetLength()
ULONG GetScreen(char *Buff, ULONG BuffLen, PS_PLANE Plane = TextPlane)
void SetText(char *text)
BOOL IsModified()
BOOL IsProtected()
BOOL IsNumeric()
BOOL IsHighIntensity()
BOOL IsPenDetectable()
BOOL IsDisplay()
unsigned charGetAttribute()

The following methods are valid for the ECLField class :

ULONG GetScreen(WCHAR *Buff, ULONG BuffLen, PS_PLANE Plane = TextPlane)
void SetText(WCHAR *text)