
This is the x position of the upper left point of the emulator window rectangle. This property may be both changed and retrieved. Xpos is a Long data type and is read/write enabled. However, if the connection you are attached to is an inplace, embedded object, this property is read-only. The following example shows this property.

Dim  autECLWinObj as Object
Dim  ConnList as Object
Dim  x as Long
Set autECLWinObj = CreateObject("ZIEWin.autECLWinMetrics")
Set ConnList = CreateObject("ZIEWin.autECLConnList")
' Initialize the connection
x = autECLWinObj.Xpos 'get the x position
' or...
autECLWinObj.Xpos = 6081 'set the x position