Default Key Functions for the VT Emulator Layout

Table 1 shows the default key functions for VT220, VT100 and VT52. The key used is the same for all the supported keyboard types. The VT emulator keyboard gets selected as the default only when the VT Component is selected in the installation path.

Table 1. Default Key Functions for a VT Emulator Layout
Function of Key Key
Backspace ◄─ (Backspace)
Break Ctrl+Pause
CAN Ctrl+◄─ (Backspace)
Cursor Down ↓ or 2(pad)
Cursor Left ← or 4(pad)
Cursor Right → or 6(pad)
Cursor Up ↑ or 8(pad)
Edit Copy Ctrl+Insert
Edit Cut Shift+Delete
Edit Paste

Shift+PageDown or

Edit Undo Alt+◄─ (Backspace)
Jump Next Alt+PageUp
New Line ◄┘ (Enter)
Mark Down Shift+↓
Mark Left Shift+←
Mark Right Shift+→
Mark Up Shift+↑
Move Mark Down

Ctrl+↓ or

Move Mark Left

Ctrl+← or

Move Mark Right

Ctrl+→ or

Move Mark Up

Ctrl+↑ or

PF6 to PF12 F6 to F12
PF13 to PF20 Shift+F1 to F8
Rule Ctrl+Home
Tab Field ─►| or Shift+─►|
VT Enter Shift+Enter(pad)
VT Find

End² or

VT Hold Pause
VT Insert Insert or 0(pad)
VT Next

Page Down² or

VT Numpad 0 to VT Numpad 9

Shift+0(pad) to

VT Numpad Comma Shift++(pad)
VT Numpad Minus -(pad) or Shift+-(pad)
VT Numpad Period Shift+.(pad)
VT PF1 to VT PF4 F1 to F4
VT Prev

Page Up² or

VT Remove

Delete or .(pad)

VT Select

Home² or

VT User F6 to VT User F12 Ctrl+F6 to F12
VT User F13 to VT User F20 Ctrl+Shift+F1 to F8
Indicates the key on the main keyboard.
Indicates a key on the numeric keypad.
Note: The Enhanced keyboard has some duplicated keys. The functions of the duplicated keys are the same except when you specify a single key. For example, Del means any Delete key, whereas Pad Del specifies only the Delete key on the numeric keypad.