Print Collection on Exit

The File → Print Screen Collection → Print Collection on Exit option ensures that the collected screens are printed before you close or disconnect the session. This option is enabled by default. To end the session without printing the collected screen, clear the Print Collection on Exit option. All the collected screens are then deleted when you close or disconnect the session.

When this option is disabled and you disconnect the session, a confirmation message will be displayed. Click Yes to purge the collected screens on exit.

You can add the Collect Screens, Print and Purge Collection, Print and Keep Collection, Process Collection, Purge Collection, and Print Collection on Exit functions to the toolbar, a popup keypad, a custom keyboard map, or a mouse customization, using the Edit → Preferences menu in the session window. The settings in the Page Setup dialog are used (shared with the normal Print Screen function).

In PDT mode, there is an option available for printing more than one screen on a page. Refer to Administrator's Guide and Reference for more information.