PC file name
This item is always required. It specifies the name of the workstation file containing the data to be transferred to the iSeries, eServer™ i5, or System i5®. Specify this item using the following format. (Items inside brackets [ ] can be omitted.)
A list of workstation files can be displayed by selecting Browse. You can limit the number of names listed. To limit the listing, specify a combination consisting of part of a file name and a global file name character (* or ?) in the input area of the workstation file list. For example:
  • When you click OK with /A: specified, the displayed listing contains the names of all files in the current directory of the diskette inserted into drive A.
  • When you click OK with A:\SUPPLY\ specified, the displayed listing contains the names of all files under the SUPPLY path of the diskette inserted into drive A.
  • When you click OK after specifying B:*.XLS, the displayed listing contains the names of all files having extension XLS in the current directory of the diskette inserted into drive B.