Command Syntax for Receiving Files from CICS

The following examples show the command syntax you can use to receive files from your CICS host to your workstation.
  • To receive a file from your CICS host to your default drive for a workstation session:
    RECEIVE pc.txt A:cicsfile (ASCII CRLF)

    This command sends a file named CICSFILE from your CICS host in session A to your workstation session. It adds the file to your default drive (diskette or hard disk) with the name PC.TXT.

  • To receive a basic file from your CICS host and replace a file on a drive other than your default:
    RECEIVE a:myprog.exe a:myprog

    This command sends a file named MYPROG from your CICS host in session A to a drive other than the default for your workstation session. It replaces a file named MYPROG.EXE on a diskette in drive A.