Command Syntax for Sending Files to CICS

The following examples show the command syntax you can use to send files from your workstation to your CICS host.
  • To send a workstation file from your default drive and add it as a new file on your CICS host:
    SEND pc.txt a:cicsfile (ASCII CRLF)
    Note: Enter the complete CICS SEND command on one line.

    This command sends a workstation file named PC.TXT from your default drive on your workstation to your host session A. You do not need to provide the workstation drive name if the file you are sending is on the current drive. The command creates a new file named CICSFILE.

  • To send a basic workstation file from a drive other than your default to replace a file on your CICS host:
    SEND a:myprog.exe a:basprog
    This command sends a workstation file named MYPROG.EXE from a diskette in drive A to your CICS host in your host session named A. It is written to a file named BASPROG, replacing any existing file by that name in host session A.