Sending and Receiving Files from the DOS Command Prompt

The workstation is the point of reference for the SEND and RECEIVE commands: You send from the workstation to the host and receive from the host to the workstation.

To send or receive a file:
  1. Make sure you are logged on to your host.
  2. Make sure the Ready message of the host system is displayed, except if you are transferring files through the command option of the ISPF application.
    Note: In the latter case, you must specify the NOCLEAR option for the file transfer command.
    If your screen is blank, make sure that no applications are running and that your host session is not in a holding state.
    Note: If you receive any messages from host application programs while you are transferring files, the transfer might not succeed. To prevent messages from interfering, enter the appropriate host command to set messages off temporarily. When file transfer is finished, set messages on again.
  3. Switch to your DOS window session or DOS full-screen session.
  4. If you use a hard disk, make sure the SEND.EXE and RECEIVE.EXE files are in your current directory or in your path. If you want to send to or receive from a subdirectory other than \Z and I Emulator for Windows, you must specify the full path name.
  5. Type the appropriate SEND or RECEIVE command at the DOS command prompt.

    Details on the SEND and RECEIVE commands and their options are explained in the following sections.