Flags for the pErrorInfo member of the PRINTINFO structure

PrintMode is not configured in the host session.
The buffer size is not sufficient for lpPDTFile, so the file name is truncated. The nSizeNeeded member contains the actual size of the buffer required to return the PDT file.
The buffer size is not sufficient for lpPrtToDskAppFile, so the file name is truncated. The nSizeNeeded member contains the actual size of the buffer required to return the Print to Disk-Append file.
The buffer size is not sufficient for lpPrtToDskSepFile, so the file name is truncated. The nSizeNeeded member contains the actual size of the buffer required to return the Print to Disk-Separate file.
The buffer size is not sufficient for lpPrinterName, so the printer name is truncated. The nSizeNeeded member contains the actual size of the buffer required to return the printer name.