If the LANDSCAPE PAPER HANDLING controls are defined

When the PAPER HANDLING controls are defined, these controls have the controls to set the page orientation to portrait. The LANDSCAPE PAPER HANDLING controls have the controls to set the page orientation to landscape. The PFT Migration Utility migrates the controls as follows:

The PFT Migration Utility migrates the data in the following order:
  1. Top Tray Select and Feed
  2. Bottom Tray Select and Feed
  3. Manual Select and Feed
  4. Envelope Tray Select and Feed

The migration stops for the page orientation, SET_PORTRAIT_ORIENT= and SET_LANDSCAPELEFT_ORIENT=, when the controls for the page orientation are found. For example, the controls for the page orientation are found when the data is migrated for the Bottom Tray Select and Feed. The PFT Migration Utility does not care about the page orientation when migrating the data Manual Select and Feed, and Envelop Tray Select and Feed.